
All patients are recommended to have at least biannual cleanings and examinations. Not only do they help prevent dental problems before they arise, but also result in healthier gums and teeth. A professional cleaning removes hard plaque that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. It also involves fluoride and polish to help protect teeth and gums. We also perform deep cleanings.


A crown, also known as a cap, is custom-fitted to your bite and is placed over natural tooth or dental implant.

Bridges can be used to replace a missing tooth that has neighboring teeth with decay and/or large fillings, or a tooth that has been missing for a long time.


Partial dentures are ideal for those who are missing only a few teeth in a row. They latch onto the remaining gum line and any intact adjacent teeth.

A complete denture is the optimal solution when the dental arch (top and/or bottom) no longer has teeth. This option can be a traditional kind that custom fits to the gum line or choose to have dentures that are supported by dental implants. Our dentist will discuss all the details to ensure an informed decision is made.

*We also do repairs, rebase and relines for dentures and partials.


Our team makes every effort to preserve natural teeth. However, extractions are necessary when decay or fracture has made a tooth not savable or in the case of advanced periodontal disease.


Used to prevent the spread of tooth decay or correct any cosmetic damage, a filling is just one of the ways our dentist helps preserve dental health. Before placement, any decay will be removed. There are two different types of fillings: composite resin, the color of which can be customized to match your natural teeth, and we are also equipped to use amalgam (known as silver fillings), these will not be placed without prior discussion.


A root canal (endodontic therapy) is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During this procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form. This is an option that can help avoid the necessity of removal of a tooth.


There are various ways to correct crooked or crowded teeth without the use of traditional braces. One of these, is the use of invisible aligners, which works by placing clear, hard plastic retainers over the teeth in an individualized time sequence. Each varies in shape and is customized to your bite.


Excessive jaw clenching and bruxism can accelerate tooth and jaw deterioration. To help avoid sleeping problems and/or snoring issues, we customize snore and night guards to achieve optimal results.


Scaling and root planing in deep cleanings involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. Most gum diseases are preventable with proper oral hygiene. However, what can start out as gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums) can quickly turn into periodontitis (loss of supporting bone structure). In such cases, gums pull away from the tooth to create “pockets,” thereby exposing a dental root to infection. Patients should practice good oral hygiene, eat a well balanced diet, and attend regularly scheduled dental appointments.


Professional teeth whitening is faster, more effective, and longer lasting than over the counter products. We offer different options for your convenience, we will take into consideration your needs and expectations to make sure the method used suits you best.


 Get the beautiful smile you've always wanted!
